Santa Monica Malibu USD Professional Development Block 1 has ended
Our Educational and Student Services teams are so excited to offer embedded professional learning opportunities for teachers during the 2020-21 school year. Our first five-week professional learning block 1 will begin the week of September 22nd. Please review the elementary (red) and secondary (green) offerings and register for one of the many topics that are provided. The intention with this multi-session approach is to provide you with an opportunity to delve deeper into a given topic, collaborate with colleagues, and implement the learning into your practice. If you find that you are interested in multiple topics, do not worry, you can sign up for a different topic during the remaining four blocks.

To register click on log-in at the top right hand side of this page.
  • Sign-in with your SMMUSD email account and use smmusd as your password. If that doesn’t work clock on Create A New Attendee Account --> using your district email account. If you have an existing account follow the instructions to reset your password.
  • Once logged in you will be able to select any of the five-week series to view the descriptions.
  • Choose one of the series. You will need to attend all five sessions within the series you select.
  • Once you select the series, you are registered.
  • Please update your profile information to include your most current position and site.

If you have any questions, please email Yvonne Kyle --> ykyle@smmusd.org or Jacqueline Mora --> jmora@smmusd.org
https://smmk12.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwvf-ytqj8iG9UvyA6hL__al6vVls5Wiaj6 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82392646737?pwd=eW5SR0pvdjVhZEV0L0hSa1dXNmpNdz09 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88955748718 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89822205448 https://zoom.us/j/5379108014?pwd=anBZYmx1NEFPbU8yZVRKR09zYXFGZz09 https://zoom.us/j/91245884767 https://zoom.us/j/95143707396?pwd=NXpldWVSRmt1cHAvNThlR3Z4bk8yQT09 https://zoom.us/j/96449531041 https://zoom.us/j/98119507085?pwd=UWx3d3AwSVRmY0JRTkpYK2JadllRdz09 https://zoom.us/j/98380619762?pwd=RDRpYUJabFlUVTlTWmdGQ2JKT0RBZz09 https://zoom.us/j/98765471920

https://zoom.us/j/94058277755?pwd=cjUzZ2xkbGpFTXp3RGVmT2ZudC9QQT09 https://smmk12.zoom.us/j/7316602466?pwd=RlQ4Y1l4aVluaThjd1lROGltNldMZz09 https://smmk12.zoom.us/j/91432179491?pwd=S2xHV2Nxdi9qVlgzTXgxTitrcTVhdz09 Meeting ID: 914 3217 9491 Passcode: 177445 https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81371730791?pwd=WjNUR2NOVmlISFJDWFdsNU9sK21XZz09 https://zoom.us/j/91287858844 https://zoom.us/j/93958238400 https://zoom.us/j/98365170688?pwd=MnFORkdvU0plREtaVG9IWjJYL0Qvdz09 https://zoom.us/j/99205099876?pwd=cTFHNWhQZjA3SDFzQkQ0bEpPdkltUT09

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